Meet Simply Authentic Living

I am ready to help you achieve your goals and experience lasting results.

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Simply Authentic Living

I am invested in your health. I make every decision with our clients’ well-being in mind. Achieve your goals with me.



Trina Kennedy, RN


I stood over the copier, and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how it worked.

Then, I couldn’t figure out where the break room was.

When I wanted a cup of coffee, I had no idea what to do.

Things got even more confounding when I couldn’t remember driving to work that morning.

No, this wasn’t a bad first day at a new job, this was supposed to be a regular day at a job I had been at for years.

I had been involved in an auto accident on the prior Monday morning.

By all accounts, it seemed as though I was uninjured.

However, one week following the incident, I couldn’t walk down the hallway without hanging onto the wall … in addition to my confusion as to how to do my normal routine at work.

Over the course of the following weeks it became very apparent that I had suffered a significant brain injury. Those weeks turned into months and years of struggle and adjustments.

As a nurse of many years, it was an incredibly difficult challenge to be the patient and not the care provider.

After being off work or following some kind of altered schedule for months, I eventually went back to work full time. I jumped back in expecting that nothing had changed and I was back to my normal self.

That was far from the truth.

The longest period of this journey was getting really honest with myself about accepting that my level of function had changed… significantly. I could no longer do many of the things I had been doing for years. This was incredibly difficult!

I think the most important thing I’ve learned through this journey is that it is what I think about what I’m going through that matters most… not what is actually happening.

Once I became aware of that, I had to get super honest about exactly how I was showing up in life. I learned that changing my mind, changed my world.

I had to get to know this new version of me… I kinda like her by the way.

Over many years of working with people in various levels of struggle, I learned that my experiences and what I’ve learned helps others.

I find a lot of people suddenly find themselves hitting bottom, feeling unsteady, and suddenly realizing they have a lot of work to do to get back to being the person they want to be…. Or maybe even getting to know themselves for seemingly the first time.

If you’re that person, I’m here to be the steadying hand for you as you embark on your journey… without judgment.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step.

I can’t wait to meet you.

Chat with me to learn more about what program will fit your goals.

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